John Ando Vs Yuuki Spencer

But see, hes the only person that does almost the same routine and yet still wins.

I know, thats so weird! But cool… 8)

Freestyles aren’t easy to make. You can’t just throw tricks together with music and expect to win. You really need to think hard about what tricks to put in, how to flow your freestly, etc. That is why pros often times use the same freestyle.

Anyway, lets take a look at Spencer vs. Suzuki.

Didn’t laugh so hard from that video…

Might have something to do with the fact that I’ve seen it 20 times before.

He got owned!

Then you didn’t have to put that comment and just let everyone else enjoy it.

Sweet! Forum eXpert battle!

Pheenix vs. Samad! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding! I know.

Yeah we know when to stop.

lolcats time

Of course we know when to

Haha. I saw that. lolcats time.

I saw that video when it was uploaded it was pretty funny

Speed… Small… Can’t see well.

This has to be the biggest necro of all time.