:o X infinity
That was pretty awesome.
Just sayin’.
awesome side-style. That is some pretty awesome stuff. Cool music video too.
pretty good video. Nice combos… i want to learn some ;D What camera ur using its pretty good HD
Where and when was this filmed? I thought Canada, but here in AK we have like 3inches of snow.
i found a secret in that that you might not know i didnt
he attaches the string to his arm not finger
Good video is good.
yup i found out that too weird haa
No, I’m pretty sure he was right the first time
133t pwn3r:Samad:
Amazing video is amazing.
No, I’m pretty sure he was right the first time
Samad hugger?
But we shalt not threadjack, so forget I was ever here.
So beast.
Crazy good but does he always attach the yoyo to his arm
*in big annoncer voice
Sick tricks. I <3 those new body tricks there. Epic video.
133t pwn3r:Samad:
Amazing video is amazing.
No, I’m pretty sure he was right the first time
It’s all good. Great, terrific, excellent, awesome, etc.
Crazy good but does he always attach the yoyo to his arm
Woa, I didn’t realize that until now! How does he yoyo like that?
Use a long string, longer than stock obviusly. Throw and catch the yoyo like youre playing 5A