Jensen is back!

waaah! how’d you guess!

It seems this has been the case throughout his yoyo life I am finding out…

He obviously didn’t

I never claimed he wasn’t a good yoyoer and he is obviously better than most yoyoers out there. I don’t compete so I don’t really care if he is better than me. I worry about my yoyoing skill not his skills. I’m just giving my opinion on how I feel about what he did.

btw- you going to NER?

Of course not, but what if he had? Would you say he “disrespected” the other competitors?

you’re right

Reminds me of the days when we had 10 page Jensen threads every other day, because for some reason everything he does makes you shmucks do back flips.

He did the thing. He’s not getting in trouble for it. Your complaints don’t matter. They’re just toys.

If, for some reason, you happened to reach the National Yoyo Association or whatever and get “joke freestyles(?)” banned, I’ll fight all of you.


That situation is different than what he did at BAC. What happened at Worlds was completely different whether memory loss or on purpose. He was actually trying and if he did that on purpose he actually did a freestyle, not swing a yoyo around, go on his back, turn around with his butt facing the crow, etc.

can we say Joey wins?

He’s just mad he can’t think of new tricks today.

I still don’t see any reason to get mad at Jensen.

Most don’t, some of us do. Nobody will make an actual effort to try to understand what the other side has to say, because we do not think on the same basis. Let’s just keep things as they are and move on.

Just because somebody didn’t end up agreeing with you doesn’t mean they didn’t attempt to understand you. And it definitely goes both ways… I mean, I presented a whole set of examples in which “winning isn’t everything” that sit conveniently ignored. :smiley:

Yeah, nobody is a bit exagerated, but the number of “yoyoing is about fun” clearly shows that people barely read what was said, as we kept repeating we were not denying this point.

Keeping a debate relevant and coherent is really hard here, as there are a lot of people willing to take part. And as I said, we do not think upon the same basis. Honestly, all your examples in which “winning isn’t everything” didn’t really convince me. The basis upon which I was thinking here is “competition means giving your best, no matter what happens on stage”, this will always be how I’ll see competition. Especially in an era where players are getting paid and cash prizes are offered to winners. And this didn’t even include my personal feelings toward Jensen, so getting to the “you’re jealous” gave me a sour laughter.

It is obvious that if we can’t agree on what is competition, we can’t agree on Jensen’s performance.

Wow, this thread blew out of proportion. I think Naoki is right in saying that we’re never going to agree on how good/bad and entertaining/disrespectful Jensen’s performance was until we can agree on what a ‘competition’ is or ought to be.

For my mind, competition doesn’t automatically make winning everything. As far as I’m concerned, competition means showcasing the best you have to offer. This doesn’t automatically mean that you have to go into full-on point hoarding mode. If that’s your style, power to you. If you’re more of an artistic flowy type, then I want to see tricks so smooth they make butter jealous.

So as far as I’m concerned, Jensen’s performance was not okay. And as far as entertainment value goes, was basically played out for cheap laughs. If you enjoyed it, fantastic. I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m not about to judge you for your taste in entertainment (well, I’ll try very hard not to).


The thing is you guys keep saying what Jensen should have done. Should is the key word here. He and anyone else competing is not required to give their a-game, they are just required to yoyo in the given style, use clean music (Jensen’s song wasn’t clean lol), and not hurt anyone. You can do however well you want in a contest, and if you want to do bad for the laughs, you are free to do that. In this case, Jensen obviously chose to do that.

I found this entertaining, not because of the yoyo tricks (actually maybe the tricks where good when Jensen didn’t screw up), but just because of the fact that it was at such a big contest. And the fact that people are having hissy fits about it makes it even more entertaining. In no way does this reflect my taste in entertainment, this was just funny to watch once or twice.

I’m not gonna bother with this topic anymore. naoki said what is probably most accurate. This is an argument that’s is agree to disagree.

Yes people can do however well they want. No, they don’t have to give their a-game.
But I am among those who think they should (the key word, exactly).

And this, my friend, brings us back exactly to my conclusion.
This discussion is a dead-end.

Jensen is the bad boy of yoyoing and the younger throwers are eating this up. Moms and dads are spending hundreds of dollars on clyw gear right now this very second.

Yep lol I think everybody thinks that :smiley:

Probably true. We all feel conveniently ignored no matter what our points are. :smiley: