Jensen is back!

Ok really? People are upset about this?

Since when does yoyoing have to be nothing but serious and precise freestyles? I understand that some people prefer to see someone go up and give it their all, but when it comes back down to the reality of what we are doing, we are playing with a toy. Sure it’s a level up from some childs play thing, but still, it is a toy. And maybe some are mad that other competitors who take it seriously couldn’t get in while Jensen could, but truthfully, don’t you think he deserves to go up and mess around if he wants? After all the years of serious freestyles of what I have seen has been for quite some time, and earning an automatic seed into the finals for this contest, I think if he wants to go up and mess around and have some fun, that’s his choice, and in doing so is not disrespectful, not something to be offended over, it is simply him doing what he does, and having fun with it.

I happened to be there to the side of the stage watching all the freestyles, and all of the top competitive players had nothing but praise and laughs shared amongst themselves and they all genuinely enjoyed it. The only ones seeming to complain, are yoyoers who were not even there and just want something to complain about it seems. I have heard a lot about “Jensen drama”, it seems people like to single him out and try to make a big deal out of nothing because of his status. I mean really, if people complain about this, why is nobody complaining about that guy who was in a cat costume in 2A?

I enjoyed seeing someone going up and having fun, and showing the rest of the audience, some non yoyoers, that our little sport is not just serious competition and bangers, but also about genuinely having fun with a toy of our childhood and our past.


I have to agree with you here haha. He seems like a weird hobo-hipster now.

it’s a competition, really, is that so hard to understand? Nobody said anything about yoyoing having to be serious, I don’t care if someone goes on stage to do whatever they want, but there are other more appropriate moments to do so. If you compete, you must show your best yoyoing.

I don’t think people are upset, I just think it was a little disrespectful to A) the BAC organizers, B) the other competitors and C) his sponsor.

When you start offering large cash prizes. Fact is that seeded spot could have gone to another player, who may have had a chance of winning. Pure speculation of course, and we’ll never know.

Jensen was just a kid then and I imagine what your gonna be like…
one day I was like aww look at jensens pimples on his neck and I was wondering what he done to get them lol
and I made fun of him. Then when I shaved omg I broke out the next day like jensen lol not as bad but it went Away
so don’t speak of the Devil

That isn’t “having fun.” It’s goofing around. I think it would have been okay if he hadn’t overdone it.

yeah, I probably would have laughed too…

p.s. I’m done with this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeeze, Jensen can do what he wants to. Maybe it isn’t acceptable to some people on an internet forum, but he has free will. He can give his a-game during one contest and goof off during another. That is his decision to make and his alone. You guys can scream and shout about how it was wrong and blahdy blah blah but that’s not gonna change the fact that Jensen did this for the fun of it. Believe it or not but Jensen isn’t out to smash could-have-been winners of BAC’s dreams, he was just having a fun time.

Yoyos are about having a fun time and some people like to keep it that way.

And other people can have an opinion of him for doing what he wants to. Whether or not you like that opinion is irrelevant.

I kinda disagree… I mean, if that logic followed, there’d never have been an artistic performance division.

Sometimes people need to step out and do something a little bit different - even if it doesn’t sit well with all parties. If anything, I’d want to encourage people who put in the time/effort/practice to get to finals, and then use their stage time to say something more than, “Hai you guyz, I’m hitting liyke 1094,234,523 string hitsz and bangerrrz. PLZ respect me or I’ll dIE!”

Which of course, some people could do just the opposite for dumb reasons too… but, I think overall, I’m okay with it.

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Whether or not you even have an opinion is irrelevant.

You arent going to convince Jensen to invent a time machine and go back to his past self and say: “Dont do it man! Some people on YoyoExpert are gonna get mad!” no matter what you say. He did what he did and he chose to do so. You cant change that and you cant change the fact that it is gonna happen again some day. Probably even at a contest where there is a cash prize kittens dying and children screaming

So because you don’t like my opinion, I don’t get to have one? Be very glad that’s not the way things work. What you’re basically saying is, because something is history and therefore can’t be changed, no-one should have an opinion on it and should just shut up. How old are you I wonder?

I asked Jensen why he bothers on yoyoskills after his 2011 WYYC performance, and he responded with something to the effect of “I have a sponsor that pays for travel why not go on stage?”

In most sports, points of controversy are players using drugs and performance enhancers.

In yoyoing, points of controversy are people not taking the contest seriously.

Gotta love yoyoing :smiley:


Obviously not the same, but he wasn’t trying to win with that freestyle.

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yes, this isn’t a first for him

Guys let it go you can see Jensen having fun and everyone is laughing very happily. It was probably the best part of some of those peoples day

It’s so amazing.  My favorite contest freestyle ever.

I’m giving up :frowning:

I was thinking the same thing. Obviously Jensen is a god amongst yoyoers and can do no wrong, and anyone who says otherwise isn’t allowed an opinion.