So…I’m very excited to say I may or may not have cad pics of our first design which was once again remodeled! Until I get permission from Mr. Hyde I leave you with this:
Metric Bearing
Snowtire compatible silicone groove
C-c-c-combo breaker
Stay tuned
Metric bearings commonly used in Oxygene and Ilyy products. I personally find them to be better than c sized bearings and an all time favorite bearing size.
Everyone needs some recognition man. We’re serious with this design its a matter of time amd money. I can assure you the rest of the hype will come with actual prototypes
The yoyo on the left is our first production. The one on the right has been respectively scrapped. A big thanks to RA Yoyos for helping us with the Cad. The yoyo still has some small flaws on Cad design as of now but I believe we’ve done enough talking and need to show you guys actual photos. So…opinions?
Looks sick, I like! Looks like something I’d love to test out. Nice exaggerated Rounded H, with an inset. Definitely a nicer design, the improved version.
Looks really nice but i see a couple of possible design flaws. on the rim there is a step down that looks like the string might catch on. Scrapping that extra mini rim would get rid of that problem and make the shape much more clean and fluid. Also the shape of it looks akward to hold, like your middle finger would fit weirdly in it. Other than that, It looks great. If you ever need a tester feel free to message me