Since we have such a lack of entries so far (understandably, not everyone is comfortable with videos) if you’d like to sumbit a written submission that will be acceptable. But be forewarned those who are able to bring their personality to a video or words will have the best chances. Don’t be sloppy with your entries :slight_smile: hope to read some soon! :slight_smile:

Hurry Hurrrry!

Contest ends Monday at midnight!
No more entries after 11:59!!!

Get your entries in!

as in written do you mean like why we want to review it?

following the same criteria, minus the video

I was just about to start planning my vid but realized I needed reputable feedback. Unfortunately I’m relatively new to the forums so I haven’t done any trades :frowning:

Just messages in my written entry!


Why the quote?

it was an accident I ment to modify it because I put messages instead of messaged :stuck_out_tongue:

messages instead of messages? you really botched it up.

I just botched up after botching up a botch up (facepalm)

less than 3 hours left!
Hurry guys!

whay arent people posting their entries in the thread/ i want to read/watch them!

How many entries do you have so far?

So Far?
with 2 hours left. I Doubt I’ll See more.


Will the winner be announced tommorow?



rats, I can’t use the computer tomorrow…