Hey guys. I’m trying to learn one of Janos Karancz’s combos. It’s the first one that he does in the World Yoyo Contest. He has a whip, some slacks, and a couple of nice transitions, but I can do none of them.??? Please give a tutorial or any tips. Thx.
Azznboyaz has one on his YouTube channel, it doesn’t have the slack twirling part but that part is pretty easy to learn the concept to anyways. It is a great tutorial and you should check it out.
I Haven’t seen any tutorials but in this video he does all his world tricks/combos at a better angle.
He had a tutorial for one trick that I found but it’s not the one you’re looking for sadly. Hope it helps.
Normally, I wouldn’t watch a yoyo video over three minutes. But, THIS WAS AWESOME!!! :o :o This is definitely my new favorite yoyo video.