I've done this too many times.


You guys have probably seen this, but a student showed it to me and I thought it was pretty funny.
I’ve done this too many times myself.
I feel his pain.

Fortunately I’ve only taken a yoyo to the face twice, and both were when I was fairly new and inexperienced. I’ve adjusted my stance and breakaway technique now to avoid such incidents happening again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have had a couple of close calls though, especially with fancy binds…

Remember kids, always use a safety throw!

man, I put a nice cut/punchture on my cheek bone from my bvm2. probably could have used a stich or two!

ive gotten to the point where I kindda “feel” when I had a sloppy bind that might grab and I throw a safety/reset throw

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Twice for me. Not from a throw though.

First was from the end of lotus bloom when you unravel and swing the yoyo out from under the arm. Well pulled to hard and it hit me in the eye. Was blind for briefly and had a blurry eye for 3 days. Some of you know this story.

Second was from a from bind. Rushed my bind when you first put your nth pointer on the string, pulled to hard while my finger slipped and hit me square between the eyes. Vision went blurry and had to take a few moments to gain vision.

Both done on my part by rushing. So word of advice, don’t yoyo.

My brother cut his face open once when trying to do 1A with a YYF Flight. :smiley:

Number one rule that I always break, don’t set down a yoyo if it has knot. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to pull a matrix dodge from doing this.

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