is yoyoing dorkey?

In my opinion, yoyoing is about as far from dorky as you can get. I dont like to throw in public, not because im embarrassed, but because i feel like im showing off (even when its just to entertain myself).

I guess it really depends on the person and what they think. Some people may think of dollar store yoyos and the old 80’s 90’s tricks and think “anyone can do those,” then when you land an advanced and up trick, they just stare in disbelief.

Bottom line: if you think its cool, go for it. If you think its dorky, then maybe its not for you. Don’t worry about what others think, as long as you like it, thats all that matters.

i personally think yoyoing depends on you or the people around you because if you have no friends that like yoyoing than you don’t really want to yoyo in public. But i think its dorky :slight_smile: but its REALLY FUN!! thats what counts ;D

Take everything in moderation.
I go outside, I BMX, i hang out with my friends.
Ill be at the skatepark and take a break from biking and take out my yoyo.
Its not dorky to me cause its not the only thing i do.
If i sit in my basement and only go upstairs to get food, and think sunlight is the devil, yeahhh you may consider yoyoing to be a little dorky
Everything in moderation my friend.

The best one is Cartman’s cover of Pokerface.

Who cares, its fun. Plus my fiancee thinks I look sexy when I do my tricks

For the Win. ;D

Is it dorky(there is no “e” in dorky)? Hell yeah. Should you care? No.

Not dorky, nerdy.


Yoyoing is not dorky. We pretty much have our own subculture. I mean there ARE dedicated yoyo fashion companies and yoyos in general look BOOS. (Refer to Kirby of SBL)

Do it, man. I always carry at least two on me just so I can throw whenever. Public, private, doesn’t matter. I always get compliments. The ladies love it too. There are a few funny looks but they can’t do what I’m doing so it’s cool with me if they want to be jealous.

Whit and Nerdy lol, ( Weird Al )

It’s all in how you present it.

Would anyone call this dude nerdy? :

His name is Paul. I hear he is pretty good. :wink:

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Dang That is an awesome freestyle :o. And there is no way Paul is uncool. ;D lol

I’m asian. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh see that discludes you then haha

well when people ask me what im doing and i say im yoyoing their thinking whatt?? like its wierd but then when they see me and i can make their jaw drop then they think its cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

of course NOT i yo in public and get oh’s and ahh’s and thats cool’s i never got a bad comment :wink:

Hah, I always get attracted to nerdy hobbies. Just recently I stopped playing Magic the Gathering. =X

But it really don’t matter what other people think as long as it makes you happy. It’s all about how you present yourself though.

Everytime I ask someone if they play MTG they tell me they quit… Why? It’s not like it’s disgustingly expensive, you make one decent deck and just play your friends with it.

Really it’s a matter of opinion. If you think its dorky well… then yes it is. But I think most of the public thinks it’s awsome.