While it is indeed aggravating, you can still get really good with what you have. If you can place highly in some competitions, maybe they would let you buy something better? Just practice a lot. If money is the issue, ask them to buy a rally. It will last you a long time. Plus, it’s cheaper than the video games they let you buy… Give it a shot.
Practice and show them that a yoyo is not just a “piece of metal on a string” and maybe they’ll let you buy more yoyos. Or show them a video of someone using a yoyo you want and say “I can learn to do that with that yoyo”. I did that to my dad when I wanted to buy a Go Big. I gave up on 4A because it scares me, but, needless to say, it worked.
I had a decent sized collection. Around 15 yoyos. I realized I used like 3 of the 15 regularly. I sold a lot and scaled down to 4. You really don’t need more than 1. Use that one yoyo you love until its beat up. Then you can move on to a new one just like how a pair of shoes works. You’re not gonna throw a good pair of shoes away unless they’re old and beat up or you grow out of them. The same thing should apply for yoyos.
I understand that you should nit be complaining, but to say that you should get 5 really nice throws, and say you have a bunch, and then say that it was immature of him. It doesn’t really make sense to me
Also, don’t count plastics out. I’m actually planning on competing with a SURGE.
If you actually need a new throw because your only good throw scratches you, then explain. But I’d just be content.
I only got my Sakura when my Dm2 was scratched to death by my friend.
I’m allowed to buy yoyos, but choose not too. It’s a heart matter
if it were that easy, I wouldn’t make this thread…
First, why don’t you use the Onestar?
I’m pretty sure most of us here know that a part of modern yoyoing is, to a certain degree, collecting throws. So don’t tell this kid that you “only need one throw”. Because you all know that you, yourselves wouldn’t settle with one throw. Atleast when you have the opportunity to have more. Which, basicly all who’re here have.
“You don’t need a 100$ throw, just look at Jensen”
I’m tired of this crap. First, the Northstar plays very very well, better than most plastics out there. Not all sub-50$ plastics are gonna perform like the Northstar. Second. Jensen could have won with a Surge, a Classic or even something like a slightly heavier Onestar. It is to a certain degree the same as saying “you don’t need fancy runner shoes, Usain Bolt would outrun you in working boots anyway”.
And third, not all people value a yoyo by it’s ability to win worlds with. There’s so many other things about a yoyo to be interested in.
About your parents; I can see from an outsiders perspective, using 100$ on a simple toy is pointless. Though i can’t really see the logic behind not allowing you to trade. Have you asked them for an explanation of why you aren’t allowed to trade?
You should buy a bunch of coke with your money and get all hopped up on the stuff. Break a couple lamps and sell the family TV. When confronted, just say “well it was either this or yoyos”. That’ll show 'em.
Luckily my parents have always been pretty trusting of me. I’ve been able to do whatever I want, for the most part (and I never got caught, neitha). I bought/traded like 40 yoyos my first year. I think I was 16 at the time. Who’s keeping track…
But really, like others have said, just sit down and talk to them about it. Yeah it’s relatively expensive for a toy, but how much more expensive are hobbies like snowboarding or fishing?
It’s your hobby. Hobbies cost money. This one doesn’t cost that much.
And Chico is a hotbed for yoyoing. Whereas I live in northern Michigan, the cultural hub of, well, driving a truck through some mud.
I didn’t even notice that you don’t use your onestar
If you’re so unnapreciative of such a good yoyo I don’t think you need any others
He goes to the Chico YoYoClub, hosted by BirdInHand, which sells yoyos. He asks all his questions here rather than to the people there on a weekly basis. I know many of the people who go to that club and many of them I consider friends.
I think we’re looking at a larger set of issues here. I do agree that he’s got some decent stuff and just doesn’t want to use it.
Fortunately for my son, who also plays with yoyos, he has my massive collect to go through, as well as his own good stuff. I suppose I won’t run into this problem.