I recently bought a new breed and realized that the weight rings had black spots on them (oxidation, I believe). I gave it to my dad as a last resort to try to clean them off and he used his spit. I find that disgusting. So, would I be able to use antibacterial soap and water on the weight rings and celcon. I was told that the aluminum weight rings were raw.
Immediately take the yoyo into a Level 4 biohazard facility and have it irradiated. Then clean with bleach and Lyson. Then, to be safe, incinerate, seal the ashes in a 15mil plastic bag, 3 layers, heat and vacuum sealed, then place intoa stainless steel container. Coat the entire metal container with PVC, then drop into a chasm deep within the earth unless you can get to an active volcano.
Then buy a new one and don’t let people spit-shine your stuff anymore.