ok so i just got a wedgie today and i love it
but about 2 hours ago i noticed that when i bind doing 5a i get a really painful jolt up my thumb
will my body eventually like mabye grow a calus there or something?
thanks guys i really dont want to get rid of such a great throw for a reason like this
Woah, when you said you got a wedgie and you loved it, I thought you ment like a real wedgie, but back on topic. When I pull up my Bi-metals really hard, I usually get monster pains in my fingers but, its not all that often, so I dont know whats happening with your thumb… :-\
there’s a slight difference with your head and your finger… When I use my old butterfly (30 years old!) it hurts my finger even when I tug it up… The only cure is a glove I would say…
Edit:but then again the gloves they sell here don’t cover your thumb so disregard.
Well, it sounds like possibly a tendon or ligament having problems, if anything. I would recommend just not yoyoing or using that thumb as much as you can for a few days and then try it again.