Just, wandering if you guys could point me in the right direction from the mosquito, i was told lyn.
I like my lyn, you just have to break it in and then it plays nice.
This should be in the Help/Recommendation section.
This yoyo is kinda interesting. It was my first unresponsive yoyo and at first i hated it. As soon as i bought my DM i never picked it up again. I just recently started messing with it again and time and experience has changed my opinion. This is a really good throw and it is kinda sentimental to me now. I love it now and no longer regret getting it. Go for it man you won’t be disappointed.
I felt the same way about mine, I couldn’t stand it. Now its one of my two main 5A throws. Its so nice and smooth once its broken in and played.
Haha I use mine for 5a too. wierd :o
LOL, I love it for 5A
After you break it in, it gets unresponsive very quickly, so if you don’t know the “bind” it might not be the best choice for you. (I’d get a velocity)
But yes, it is a very good yoyo.

This yoyo is kinda interesting. It was my first unresponsive yoyo and at first i hated it. As soon as i bought my DM i never picked it up again. I just recently started messing with it again and time and experience has changed my opinion. This is a really good throw and it is kinda sentimental to me now. I love it now and no longer regret getting it. Go for it man you won’t be disappointed.
Wow this is like exactly my same Lyn scenario except i never hated it, unless you count the hours of frustration trying to learn how to bind as hate ;D
I love the shape as far as a bearing though i traded it up for a YYF spec and it plays nicer
To condense this thread, get the lyn, break it in, and enjoy! ;D
cool. mabe i should get one.

cool. mabe i should get one.
Do it. I’d say it’s worth the money.