Is the "Format :C" spelled wrong?


I nominate Gambit as 'CAP’tain of the Team.

I didn’t even catch how large the font size of your post was, until my Blind grandma read it from across the room.

U duh Mann…

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Quick question.

Who cares?

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Apparently the OP but it got off topic lol

I sure hope OP got his answer

I also want to add that the C is the nicest looking one drop I’ve ever seen
Its missing every dreadful feature i dislike from one drop (OD “ribs”, side effects)

Merry Christmas YYE

oscopy, or /, or .

i dunno… any of those would work

Yeah we were just having a little fun with name :slight_smile:

Ok, I haven’t read much of the topic, but I think that the “format:” is saying which format it’s in “C”. Not trying to sound smart, just trying to be helpful :slight_smile:

Also, does anyone else ALWAYS see the frowny face when they see “Format :C”? Lol!


It’s usually a good idea to read a thread well before commenting. Otherwise people just end up repeating the same answer again and again. I always find it strange when someone asks a question that is answered in one or two posts, and yet you get another 2 or 3 pages of people repeating the same answer.

Just a word of advice.


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I think this guy may just know what he’s talking about…! :wink: (Note: I did say “may” :D)


Since a yoyo manufacturer can call a yoyo whatever they want, then nothing can really be spelled “wrong”.

If OD released a throw called the “Momentmu” or “Rotatoin” or “Untied States of Amercia”, they wouldn’t be ‘wrong’ since they have the right to name their throws whatever they want.

It’s like asking “is the PHENOMizm spelled wrong? Shouldn’t it be spelled FEMINism?”. As a manufacturer, you have the ability to make up whatever words you want… you have the power of a linguistical deity.

The colon (:slight_smile: is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line.

As with many other punctuation marks, the usage of colon varies among languages and, within a given language, across historical periods. As a rule, however, a colon informs the reader that the following proves, explains or simply provides elements of what is referred to before.

The following classification of the functions that a colon may have, given by Luca Serianni (a pioneer of the colon) for Italian usage, is generally valid for English and many other languages:

syntactical-deductive: introduces the logical consequence, or effect, of a fact stated before
syntactical-descriptive: introduces a description—in particular, makes explicit the elements of a set
appositive: introduces a sentence with the role of apposition with respect to the previous one
segmental: introduces a direct speech, in combination with quotation marks and dashes. The segmental function was once a common means of indicating an unmarked quotation on the same line. The following example is from Fowler’s grammar book, The King’s English:
A colon may also be used for the following:

introduction of a definition
separation of the chapter and the verse number(s) indication in many references to religious scriptures, and also epic poems; it was also used for chapter numbers in roman numerals
separation of hours, minutes and seconds when reporting the time of day (cf. ISO 8601; alternatively, a period (.) may be used)
separation of a title and the corresponding subtitle
separation of clauses in a periodic sentence

makes sense. But what I did see was computer talk, and snippy vs non-snippy. So I figured mine was a different answer. Which it sorta was, sorta wasn’t. Oh well :smiley: