Is my Northstar broken?

I just got a Northstar for Christmas, and naturally, just like any new yoyo, I unscrew it to put some lube in the bearing. As I’m screwing it back on, I hear a clicking sound, and this is where I ended up. Any suggestions :sweat_smile:

Sounds like the nut stripped on the inside (the clicking) and the cap got popped off (you tightened it too far)

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Yep. Overtightened. Bummer.

Also, in my experience, a new yoyo never needs lube unless you want to make it more responsive.

Sorry for your loss :cry:

You could try to salvage it. Remove the bolt and nut. Put hot glue on the damaged bolt plastic and carefully clamp it so it stays together. Then put it back together when it’s dry and be careful screwing it going forward.

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Let me know if you want a replacement? It’s not the same color Northstar but it’s not broken. @Yoyo_baseball19