Is Jayyo back?

It appears he posted in this thread recently…

about halfway down the page

I think it’s Jayyo, certainly looks like him.

I cleaned out this thread as I feel the point was lost and I wanted to make it clear.

JayYo is back on the forums as HaruRay. He understands what is expected of him and that we expect him and others to treat our space here in a professional manner.

Him and others should understand there will be absolutely no disrespect shown to the moderators and we can all play nice together.

Thanks! :wink:

  • André

haha. Thanks for the explanation Andre, I was confused.

That’s the first post I’ve seen that’s said -Andre which it is awesome to see a post by the person who pretty much molded my yoyoing with the teaching vids, and to add also one of my favorite players. But I’m not sure what to do now that I can do all the tutorial tricks??? Where do I go from here. Is there more to learn

Thanks for clearing that up!