Introduce Yourself!

Whats up people,new here been throwing about 1.5 yrs been using the smashing yoyo bounce lately.stuck in a rut right now thinking about buying a new throw to get out of it.does anyone know when yoyoexpert is getting more ots combo packs back in thats favorite string dont want to get anything else.


Welcome to the forums @Jazooka and @Returntop!

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Hi there everyone! Ive been pretty active here on the fourms since i joined a few months back, figured id formally introduce myself!

My name is Cisco and currently live in Denver, CO. I have been throwing since the 90s and starting throwing unresponsive in 2006 with a YYJ speeder. I had stopped around 2012 but due to a recent motorcycle accident i found my passion for throwing again and havnt looked back since. Plan on staying with the hobby this time and actually want to start in the competitive scene in 23ā€™

Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome and for all the trades and deals on the bst helping me find lost gems haha! Yall have been nothing short of amazing and i appreciate all of you! :blush:


Welcome to everyone who took time to introduce themselves. Great to have ya here!


Welcome to the forums @its_muzain and @TheSliverKing!


Hey, all! Iā€™m Tyler & am from Boston. I have no experience and am looking to learn!


Welcome. Have fun and enjoy the journey.


71 posts were merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself! 2023