Introduce Yourself!

Hey guys, my name is Thomas, my friends just call me Tran (goul). I’m 20 year old, and I live in Hungary.
I have started yoyoing 1 month ago. I just sat in the school in front of a computer, and I’m thinked about something, then I wrote a word into youtube. The word was: yoyo :slight_smile: I watched the first movie, then the second… I said, it is really great, then I went to google, and read a lot about yoyoing. After 2 days I bought my first yoyo, it is Duncan Freehand Zero, but I noticed it is not the best:), but I completed all basic tricks, and half of the intermediate, now I need a better yoyo:) tomorrow I will order the new Dark Magic, and I would like to become the best yoyo player ever :smiley:

Hey all,
I’m an 18 year old canadian, going to carleton university.
Currently yo-yoing off of a YoYoJam Black Knight, with a Konkave Bearing in it.
I originally wanted a Dark Magic…but they’re always sold out!
The Black Knight is serving me well so far though…haven’t had a problem with it–thumb grinds even work great!
I’m currently on the fairly advanced level…but not pro by any means…still learning!

hi my name is allan i am starting to get interested in yoying and will probaly start doing it im probaly gonna get the kickside because its low priced and reliable
so i hope to get more into the community and meet new people.

Hey There! My name is Michael Weston Montgomery, I’m a 19 year old entrepreneur based in Emmett, ID. I own several companies, most of which are in the ‘start-up’ phase. Double-Take Industries is a textile company (clothing printing), Montgomery Enterprises LLC is a vending machine company I use to raise funds for a newly established scholarship, is a soon to be yo-yoing blog that will bring together some of the more active bloggers of the yo-yo community to inform each other of what’s going on and give tips and such, is one of my projects to use DTI to make yo-yo related shirts :slight_smile:

I’ve been yo-yoing for almost 6 years now and in the last few years I’ve been spending my time trying to give back to the community through the hosting of yo-yo competitions, teaching classes, organizing club meetings, and lately I’ve been working on a beginners book to yo-yoing with is almost done :slight_smile: (I figured I could teach a lot more people in a lot less time with a book than I ever could in person.)

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Hi, my name is Jesse. I’ve been yo-yoing for about 2 months now, and I’ve really come to like it. I used to speed solve before this with puzzles such as Rubik’s Cubes. My favorite yo-yo is hard to say, because I like different styles, but probably Dark Magic. I play 1a, 4a, and 5a. For 1a, I use my Dark Magic, for 4a I use an Aquarius, and for 5a I use a Legacy. I have more yo-yos, but I never use them. Soon I will get a Clear Freehand Zero to mod probably and today I will most likely get either a DV888 or M1. I haven’t decided yet, I will try both. So yeah, that’s me, maybe some of you will eventually see me at contests!

Ever tried minesweepers?

I have never heard of them, but I didn’t only do Rubik’s Cubes. I did much, much, much, much, much, much more. I even made custom cubes.

Hi my name is Joel Kees i’m 14 and i’ve probably been yoyoing for about a month, though i do remember yoyoing while standing on a chair because i was to short. my first yoyo was a Saber Raider (whatever that is, i just got it from a local store). i had it for a week but then i bought a DM because i had almost finished the Intermediate section and need it for moch 5 and ripcord. i have done many other hobbies including diabolo, unicycling, juggling, and rubix cubes etc. i think i will go further and longer with yoyoing because the amount of tricks are endless, you just have to be creative.

Hi my name is Shawn i am 16 years old currently living in new york . One day when i was watching some things on youtube i found this guy on expert village doing tricks with a dark magic i looked at the video and i was amazed the next i started asking people which yoyo is good for beginners and they all said get either the kickside or the lyn furry so i ordered i kickside and i really liked it i have been practicing for over 6 months and then ordered the hitman which was even more pleased with the hitman the best tricks like is the yukki and just random tricks.

Working on my way to the top to be the yoyo expert

my name is Matt but most of my friends call me stick. I started yo-yoing at 15 but stopped after a year or two and I’m looking to get back into it. A lot has changed so I am slowly picking back up on everything, mainly the tricks. they have become a lot more complicated ??? but I can learn them :slight_smile: cheers guys!

sup son. im justin and i am in adv. pt. 2 right now, with my DM. i hope to do alot of good here!

Hi all! My name is Jason and I am from Tampa, FL. I am new to this new world of yo-yos and ludacris string tricks, but I picked up a Dark Magic and am on the road to spinning like a pro!

Just a funny side note, after having my DM for almost three months I wanted to know who this André Boulay guy was, only to find out he’s the guy teaching me all these tricks I’ve been learning. XD

Haha yup, Andre is the guy owning this website :wink: Too bad lots of people on youtube are dissing him, because he teaches beginners >:(

hey whats up yall! This is my first time to take an interest in yoyos but i am the next Andre Boulay! I just got the new Hectic,G5,888,Dv888,Superstar,DNA,and the mighty flea. Ive been yoyoing for 1 wk. but ive earned $300.00 in contests around my school!

It will take some time for you to become as good as Andre. :wink:

Remember, it the Throw, not the yo.

You have got soo many metals but still your fav yoyo is Dark Magic…


Take Ed, he uses fixed axle and his favorite is No Jive 3 in 1, whne he probably has way “better” yoyos.

This is whne the "No yoyo is better " happens, it is all preference, sometimes I throw my Lyn fury over 888, is there something wrong with that?

Same with André. He has used and probably has many many metals, and yet the DM is still his favorite.

And somewhat me, I have used my Hectic over my Skyline a lot now.