call me and me and you will tie them up with yoyo string then they will wish they were good at untying knots like any yoyoer gets good at right guys??? thatl show em.
I don’t get why people just won’t use the “don’t care about other people” method. It works wonders, and if you need a yoyo to get girls you’ve gotten pretty low.
This guy came up and started saying things about my yoyoing… negative things… then I almost hit him with a undermount-drop left hand- swing and aim thingy, and then braintwistered right up in his face… and he’s like “You’re not going to hit me.” Me: I try not to… Him: back away. Me: Take a step towards him while doing a trick. Him: That’s lame… runs away.
im in 8th grade and im at school an 11th grade girl walks by and i told her she had a nice smile, then she smiled and i said there it is, then she huged me and gave me a kiss and called me cute. works every time . wat a corny line tho
attempt to hurt them with forward pass and tidal wave, but make sure you know ur distances so that the yoyo doesnt really hit them. Thatll steam them off, and theyll try to insult u and stuff and tell u how frustrated they are; now u just smile and keep playingXD
to below: soz bad habits
here is what i do i start doing around the wordls realy fast and then start walking towards them and say this thing hurts when you get hit and get realy close to hiting them and then they will leave you alone if you scare the crap out of them like i did to them and no1 messes with me anymore cause i yoyo if they still do talk crap bought it actullay hit them with it like i did i did boingy boing nd the poped it out and naild some dude in beetween the eyes. they dont talk crap bought it any more cause they no it hurts