Inspiring and favorite yoyo videos

What’s your favorite yoyo video? Maybe it inspires and/or influence the way you play, maybe it doesn’t. My favorite is the 2012 national yoyo contest Dylan Benharris 1a video. The music, the tricks, everything. It’s perfect. Personally I think a bit (if not a lot) better than 15th place…

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good one, man! Really nice video!

Ben Conde’s 2011 freestyle. Don’t even have to link it

Here you go anyway:

I’ve also been inspired by this video because it’s what got me into 4a and I think he would’ve got 1st if he didn’t drop the yoyo so many times and just face it… that was one of the best stage performances ever especially things like taking off the jacket, throwing confetti along with the music…etc.

Absolutely shamabbly AMAZING performance.

He deserved 1st, but I fully respect the judges opinion, plus he is I winner in our hearts

that’s probably my favorite 4a video. Ben’s so full of energy, such a showman. He’s awesome.

Had to add another:

I love pretty much anything Anthony Rojas, but this is definitely my favorite.

This video came out four years before I started throwing, but it has always served as a major inspiration to me. 5a has always been the only style I’ve ever thrown - I learned all of my 1a with a counterweight in my hand - my first trapeze was landed with a dice in my throw hand.

At the time when I first saw this video, I was impressed by his flow, and the seemingly complexity of his tricks. Now, I see it as a very interesting look at the history of my favorite yoyo style.

It’d highly advise watching it - it’s still very entertaining. Glimpses at yoyo history always are.

still my favorite…

My second favorite:
