Inertia in Motion - Inverse ***Review on Page 9***

Oh my bad… I got 20, so I’ll take 2 prototypes ;D

Make it 5 prototypes and you have a deal :o

**I hope no one is taking me and Andy seriously (about the string ;D)

When I test, I’ll send some string back with the proto if you want.

If you’re still looking for testers I’m your man,been to going for four years almost and here’s me:

You must mean a 1000 pack. (Anyone remember these?)

I FINALLY made a video for my new prototype. Sorry for making it so late. Keep in mind that I’ve never made a video before and needed to learn microsoft movie maker in about an hour. I know I messed up a little/had awkward pauses. Don’t be too harsh on me  :stuck_out_tongue: anyway Enjoy!

I’m almost at 7 months and you’re way better than me  :smiley:

I dunno. I had to do each trick around 15-20 times before I got it right/at the speed I wanted xD. Dirty string is killer to and unresponsive yoyo

One time i was trying to shoot a video outside in like 90-95 degrees, after like 30 tries i gitso mad i grabbed my iPad, went inside, threw my iPad at the couch which bounced off and fell then i went and took a long bath  :stuck_out_tongue:

PMing you.

I’m not sure if it’s the fact that you have a completely different style from me, or that you’re just straight-up better than me for about the same amount of time, but I found that to be very impressive.

Thanks! That last trick before the extras was supposed to be a lot cleaner but my bearing was acting up and the yoyo kept trying to snag on the string.

Dude your a beast for only 7 months!

Thank you! :smiley:

I should just stop throwing now.

WELP. Hopefully I get to test anyways xD

It would probably be a bad idea to quit throwing if you don’t need to… ._.

We all know he made that vid to show off his skills more than the yoyo itself :wink:

Hey hey hey. The proto got a good 4 second clip by itself ::slight_smile:

Just got my proto! First few throws were very nice… Extremely stable and long sleeping… I’ll have a review up in about a week once I get a better feel for it… Will be comparing to the other new company, J&H: SPINS first yoyo, the Lunar Wind ;D

I hope I get selected for the next round of testers! Also, I forgot to mention that if you want a taste of my skill you can look up “yoyowoodchuckguy” on Youtube and find my channel, which has a couple of videos on it. Unfortunately, I can’t post a link because I’m on the app.