In trouble with the law ...

I’m not at liberty to say what that man in the pictures is doing. I am at liberty to say that this thread might just be full of silliness and might just represent an effort to lightheartedly poke fun at something happening in the world of “return tops” that will surely be straightened out shortly.

Please dont douple post and also why cant you tell us what he is doing.

Because if he does, the government will take his foot, as well as his right earlobe.

Hrrrrmmmmm… Duncan said they would only go after the company, not the individual.

I actually heard that the government had already deployed their fleet of unicorn riding goblins to apprehend him. jtman562 and yoyoz1 - this is just a joke. That’s a drill and a die in the picture. Duncan couldn’t care less about some yokel with too much time on his hands having his wife take pictures of him in his garage drilling a hole in a die. I’ll refrain from telling you to use proper punctuation if you’ll refrain from telling me not to double post. Deal? (Again, a joke.)

p.s. While the government has not deployed their unicorn riding goblins, I do not want to imply that the government does not have unicorn riding goblins they could deploy if they see fit.

p.s.s. I think this prank has run it’s course.