Just wondering if anyone has actually thrown one of these? I wanted to have a general idea of how it plays because it just looks so crazy.
I think there where only three made. So it’s only @crackout who can tell ya
Ref: DR3I | ILYY.de
Yep, there are only 3.
Two within ILYY and one is with the @the_general.
It has a very unique feel unlike anything I can think of at the top of my head.
@DocPop got the chance to throw it when I stopped by in SF. I think he liked it.
It is a nightmare to machine though. We might revisit that idea at some point, but when we do, prepare your wallets, this will be expensive.
I forgot this was a tri-metal yo-yo. What a unique yo-yo.
I’ve just been thinking about Yoyos that are pushing ingenuity and this was one of the throws that came to mind.
Fun fact: there‘s another.
It‘s the first prototype: 3mm larger diameter and an Abyss-style cup.
This thing is 1 of 1.
Wow that abyss DR3I looks sick.