Dang Ed, you should’ve posted that later when we are finished, so that you don’t hit too many nails in the head on what I’m about to say 
I was sponsored by Double Take Industries for like a year before the company went hiatus, and now I’ve been a Yomega Ambassador for like three years now, yeah you probably don’t know because I rarely talk or brag about it here. I also had a few friends who are sponsored by different companies so I’ll tell you about that too.
The good:
I’m glad that Yomega don’t “force” me to do much anything, other than of course promoting their brand by wearing the shirt and using their yoyos in a contest, sometimes they asked me to make a video but it’s more like optional. They encourage me to go to contests to either judge or compete, but don’t need me to have certain placements, although if I do I can get more. There were a few changes over the years, nowadays I can ask for any stuff as long as it’s reasonable, like when I’m about to go to a contest I’m gonna need a few spares and the ones I had are already broken (usually 2a yoyos which get banged around much), things like that. It’s not many enough to take advantage of the sponsorship and selling the yoyos for profit (if you’re THAT evil), but I got many enough that I don’t have the need to buy them myself, and then sometimes they also include new products I didn’t ask for (got me into kendama which is great).
the bad:
For some reason people starting to overrate me and expect me to be able to do more, sometimes it feels like a pressure, but not that bad I think.
Now if you’re new to this getting sponsored thing let me tell you, different companies expect different things and sponsor you in different ways, if in doubt ASK them how specifically the sponsorship is gonna work, like if you’re going to get the package in a few monthly basis, or when you ask, and how is the shipping, this is very important and often overlooked. Some companies especially the newer ones sometimes are not willing to pay the shipping, which usually about $30 (in case of people I know), you need to decide if it’s worth it before dipping yourself into it.
Also, some companies don’t last long, sometimes they have internal changes that the sponsorship may not work anymore, or their vision shifted and they don’t suit you like it used to be, things like that should be expected too.
Now does being sponsored feels like you’re getting free yoyos? well yes and no. Technically it’s not free that you’re expected to do something for the company, and as a return, they sponsor you with stuff/money, it’s more like a part-part time working doing your hobby.
One last thing, this is number one rule of thumb in getting sponsored, NEVER accept sponsorship from a company that you don’t actually believe in.