if you had 125 dollars what would you do with it. i would buy an azxion grind michiane and a speedmkaer ;D ;D ;D ;D : :
i would give it to pheenix
it has to be on yoyos
I would get a Cut and a ten ball to go with it.
Never says we HAVE to use it on yo-yos.
… … …
I’d get some 201s.
I would buy a BOSS, and save the rest.
1 BOSS, 1 New Breed.
BOSS, another Legacy, and a BigYo…
Save it, then splurge on a Gold Pure when I get the chance.
Buy a BOSS, save a little more, and get either a genesis or a c13
BOSS and save for either the ENEME or Axiom or Genisis
I would buy a Pyro Light then buy a KK.
A Wolly Marmot. and use the rest on string and such.
YYF DNA. Enough said.
Evan: yoyodude888:If you had 125 dollars what would you do with it? I would buy an axiom, grind machine and a speedmaker ;D ;D ;D ;D : :
Never says we HAVE to use it on yo-yos.
xako:i would give it to pheenix
… … …yes it does look at my 2 reply dude
I’d get some 201s.
In the main post it never says.
The new Yoyojam Atmosphere, Yoyojam Dark Magic, and then save about 40$ and get a Genesis.
If I had $125 I would spend it on bearings! I gots a lot to buy!!
Idk what I would get if i had 125 doller signs