If you had $1000, what yoyos would you get?

A CiTizen, Evora, one of the remaining 7 Summits, and another Draupnir. I’d swap out the 7 Summits for a mint Wooly Markmont if I could find one.

Actually, I would invest in my own company for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is that antler yoyo? I’d get that.

Haha yes

All yoyos under 150. Need to have all the yoyos!

BBB orca canvas, Advance scout and a hatrick or prestige

Citizen, Evora, Anglam 2, Slasher

That should be right about $1000

No Jive, and the rest of the money if for a new PC or game consoles.

YYR Draupnir
Rebellion Golyat
OD ciTIzen
KYS rainfly
OD valor