If I dont start a double or nothing from a breakaway does it still count?

I cant really land breakaways very well at all yoyo goes all crazy. I can do all of Advanced 1 pretty much but I dont start from breakaways I just throw a good sleeper and hit the trick. So the title says it all does it count?

If you can get into a double or nothing, I’d say it’s still a double or nothing. If it was something like a ladder contest I’m not so sure though. But you should still try to work on your breakaway. Just try to keep the yoyo string straight in the middle of the bearing so it doesn’t rub against the sides of the yoyo. Just keep practicing and you will eventually get it.

I agree with Derek. Keep practicing your breakaway and also a really strong straight throw. These tricks is what makes up your foundation because almost all tricks require a throw and a breakaway.

I actually didn’t throw breakaways until last summer. You definitely need to learn.

My recommendation is just to throw all sidestyle tricks for a few weeks and by the end, you’ll have a good throw :slight_smile:

If you keep throwing sleepers for sidestyle tricks, you’ll never break the habit.


Nicely put. lol

I agree, once you get out of the intermediate section, almost every single trick startswith a breakaway.

yah im in the advanced so I know they start with one. I mean I can do a breakaway my yoyo is just causing me grief right now lol.

if you could do it with a sleeper , then who cares! ;D you don’t have to do it with a break away.

Lots of advance tricks use the breakaway, so it’s pretty important to learn if you want to try to learn harder tricks.



You look like a COMPLETE doofus if you don’t.

I never learned breakaway, just started my tricks with a sleeper. It does the same thing for me. Until a couple of weeks ago… YELLOW AIRPLANES!!! For that trick, you need a backwards spin to loop the loop around the yoyo, so I had to learn the breakawy :’( I still do sleeper more though, I get better spin time… :smiley:

I was like you before…
But now I don’t…
It’s just smoother when you do it with breakaway…

It’s still count…
But it’s better for you to learn breakaway… Like everyone said…
This is for your own goodness… and better future. :wink:

Thanks and update to everyone I have been playing the breakaway and having no problems now. Thanks again to all.

I know this is almost an ended post but I saw something that wasn’t mentioned. Doing a breakaway has a different spin to the yoyo than a sleeper. (Depends on how whether you move to the left or to the right of the sleeper). An incorrect spin direction would prevent or at least make string rejections harder as well as messing up binding habits.

I have noticed my binds act differently when throwing breakaways but tricks arnt any different.