I went back to the basics and it's fun

there’s an app that makes you film stuff and get passed or failed and it’s making me really focus on the basics again. it’s really helping. instead of failing the trick of the week 1000 times a day i’m going back and making sure i’m actually doing skin the gerbil right and stuff.

TaW will always be there. It’s nice to just bang out tricks. When my folks were here I was showing them yoyo and I couldn’t remember any of the basic tricks.

that’s all. thanks for reading my blog.


I hadn’t even picked up a yoyo in over a year at least until recently.

I’m enjoying refining the small details that have a big impact on technique and just doing whatever without any preconceptions of whatever is considered a yo-yo trick these days.

Ngl though I watched a couple high level contest 1a freestyles and it kind of made me sad. It may be much more impressive on a technical level now but it feels like it’s been “solved” effectively.

Like watching AI beat a chess grandmaster vs two GMs with unique approaches to the game and the ability to make mistakes.


What app is that?


Skill addicts

I dont know if it’ll be censored or not

Been using my panorama to go back through stuff, too. I feel like i progressed too fast and didn’t have a good foundation


I don’t like that the viedo part of that app, stops you from going to a different trick. Maybe I don’t need to show strangers how I roll up my YoYo to learn a breakaway. Now what I mean?


I feel the same way. I’ve used the app a bit. The way points and earning physical prizes work in to the system is something I REALLY don’t like.

It makes people take the things waaay too seriously. A trick will be not approved for the tiniest things some times and it exhausts me to no end. I just don’t have the mental capacity to let some anonymous stranger decide whether I’m doing a skin the gerbil JUST right in the same way they learned it or in some other way that someone else teaches it.


Cool. I thought it might be that app. I didn’t realize it had video feedback.

Basics are essential for that CONTROL! thats why I sort of stepped back from TAW too. I figured I had enough of a trick set to start really honing in on getting them right., getting them smooth. I’m really trying to dial things in to get repeatability down. Going back to simply doubling on, tripling on is really good for muscle memory and flow.

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that’s awesome dude glad you’re enjoying yourself! that’s what it’s all about. personally it works best for me to just focus on drills sometimes. every now and then i take it a bit slower and drill basics. i try not to get too hung up on feeling like anything needs to be perfect before moving on. one of the things i like most about yoyo is how much new stuff there is to learn so very little makes me happier than sitting down to decode a new trick and as long as i just keep playing what i already know tightens up as i play…or i forget stuff and have to refresh like i did with kamikaze ln lol


Do you get feedback on why it wasn’t good enough?

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Reminds me of Wu-Wei. Howning a basic skill till’ it goes by itself.

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Some times. Some times not. They’re supposed to give feedback but a lot of them don’t.


Yo I’m not a participant in skill addicts but I strongly support all the people there grinding and learning tricks. Lots of those people have gotten very good at yoyo very quickly. I did try once but one person said I did the basic sleeper wrong and I was like nah not for me lol.

I will say I really support going back to the basics and tightening up stuff or just re-exploring old tricks you forgot about. This can be a great way to stay rejuvenated and excited. I personally love doing this like spent a bit of time with classic skin the gerbil a month or so ago and currently have been binge learning older tech tricks. Whatever keeps ppl playing yoyo and happy is cool w me.

I really do try to keep TaW accessible but understand that some of them aren’t very easy. I made sure to do one last week that was accessible to anyone that can do DoN and still cool with the tower trick. This is beside the point, i just wanted to idk share my thoughts. I definitely don’t want anyone to struggle so much that they aren’t having fun and get burned out. TaW should be fun and I’m really happy that op and others have found that in going back to more foundational tricks!


That’s kind of what set me off lol. I was told i wasnt hand winding my yoyo correctly

You can skip right to unresponsive now. The forcing me to video myself has helped though

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I’m not hating on TaW at all man this isn’t about that. I just have gotten like 89% of multiple TaW tricks and wanted to go back to learn basics. Like I can’t even do Black Hops every time, I should get the foundation right.

It’s building confidence! Now when I go back to work on a TaW trick i do better. There’s a long winter ahead and no shortage of tricks to learn!


Imagine having the nerve to tell Henry he doesn’t know how to throw a sleeper :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You’ve progressed faster than almost anyone, I’ve watched, in, what, like, 5 different styles? lol

They must throw immaculate sleepers :roll_eyes:


Lmaooooo and thanks yo! The cool thing about playing multiple styles is that there is a ton of overlap so improving at one, helps out the others. Improving my 3a helped my 1a so much bc it really got me to tighten up my plane control. 1a just helps with everything except 2a. 2a I stink at but mostly bc I find the maintenance tedious so I rarely practice ooops lol. Even learning the little 2a I have so far helped with regens in all the styles tho and I have so much respect for the 2A mains. Hah idk I just like the variety of mixing up styles. I’m focusing on 3A the most rn though bc it’s the div I want to compete at and 3a just looks so freaking cool to me.


I’ve always thought your sleeper was a little off, but I was too nice to say anything about it… but now that it’s out in the open…:rofl::rofl::rofl:



Hey man X Blades gotta come out on top no matter what

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I love skill addicts it’s awesome, I’m top 25 :grin:
My username is happyyoyoer I’ll follow you :wink: