Wooly Marmot would be great, 888 would be great. Totally up to you, but those are my 2 cents on the matter. I own an 888 and have played a Wooly. Both are fantastic.
I have another suggestion. I think it fits almost perfectly, the Yoyofactory Severe. Right now they come in Yoyojoes Edition Orange with Blue splash, but that’s the only place they’re selling right now unless you want a black one. The Severe has a shape a lot like the Lunatic, but it is a bigger yo-yo. It’s at a $90 price range, and if you’re worried about its play watch these videos:
It is Tyler Severance’s Signature yo-yo, and here are some videos of him using it. Yes, I know, he’s really good.
And here he’s not using a Severe, but he can do everything he did here with a Severe:
Look him up on youtube, he has lots of good performances on there.