Hey! Me and my freind are starting a yoyo club and today we did a sigh up sheet for club day. We got 12 people who say they are interested and I need 12 cheap but still good yoyo’s. The yoyo’s I thought were going to be good for beginners wouls be around 60. Is there one that I can get to around 20$?
This yoyo was practically made for what you are looking for.
correct answer. either this or they yoyofriends AoE
Yeah AoE is baller, super impressed with it and if you’re down to spend just a little bit more, it’s the way to go.
Area of effect is great choice starter yoyo. Its $17 for responsive and unresponsive set up. It’s also has an impressive spin time and stability for harder tricks
SnapBack is also great for people who are starting out and is a great go to yoyo for people who are throwing the yoyo for the first time… But it only spins for like 40 seconds so once people start working on string tricks you will need to upgrade.
It’s cheaper than the Wedge 2.0 and performs much better.
The YYF whip should be really cheap, but also kind of sucks. The AOE is a good choice, although the Magic Yoyo krystal is probably cheaper.
First base
Magic yo-yo k2
I agree with the k2. I have given them to a few people. They are oddly soft almost jelly feeling.
That’s awesome! I would contact @AndreBoulay. IIRC he has starter kits for yoyo clubs and may even be able to provide resources for launching one.
Edit: And yes they even offer the Snapback at a special yoyo club discount price.
I wouldn’t worry about what people might want to throw if they get into more advanced tricks. The whole point of having starter yoyos is to get people into the basics. If they get hooked, they will look into getting something that suits them.
I change my mind, butterfly xt! FTW