My friend is just starting out, and I’m trying to teach him with my yyf whip, and protostar. I don’t live with him, so naturally he wants to be able to get a yoyo of his own. As of this minute, I got him to get the yoyo back to his hand, I mean unresponsive yoyos. Does anyone know what the best 10-15 dollar unresponsive yoyos from any brand are?
EDIT: Does anyone know how good the yyf one is, just the whole champions thing makes it hard to ignore
If he is ok with pink the breast cancer awareness yoyojam classic is $12-$13 with upgraded bearing included for both styles of play in one awesome yoyo.
The answer is the C3 Speedaholic. Ridiculous good play for the price. Beautiful, especially outside in the sun. So dirt cheap, it’s exactly the price point you’re looking for.
It’s decent but not great. The YYF OneStar is a much better yoyo, but more expensive too.
My first choice would probably be a YYJ Classic (with regular bearing and pads). But other mentioned including the YYF OneStar, C3 Speedaholic and YYJ Surge are all good options.
If you want a cheap metal then the check out Magic YoYos on ebay or elsewhere online. They have lots of models but at under $15 I’d recommend the T5. Plays better than any of the plastics mentioned above.
I would not get the ONE. The MagicYoyo, Speedaholic, and Classic suggestions echo my own. I did not enjoy the PSG, but everyone’s mileage may vary… the PSG is better than the ONE.
classic with a unresponsive bearing in it becomes a beast and the smoothest plastic out there.
Stackless grind machine
C3 speedaholic
YYF one
YYJ surge.
Lots of all metal magic yoyos sell for in this range.
tell him to cough up the 20 bones it takes to ship a Magic Yoyo N12 from China and he will be a happy camper…
i actually don’t care much for my Speedaholic… and i feel like if my skills were any poorer the yoyo would be substantially worse for learning on. it tilts easily, doesn’t have great spin times and isn’t all that stable through the air.
as an organic shaped poly yoyo it is pretty nice and good for it’s price, but with the instability of it and the fact that the slightest bit of slop in play will send the thing spinning out of control i wouldn’t recommend it for a beginner.
the N12 is solid at the end of the string, spins forever, extremely stable, can handle any play style, it has a blasted finish, it comes with a concave bearing, a pouch, extra string… can’t go wrong with it
You want to pick out a yoyo thats easy to learn on and is cheap and will last him a while for tricks.
I would definitely not recommend a speedaholic or a psg for him, even though they are dirt cheap and fantastic yoyos they come with a very wide gap and can be hard to learn on.
I just feel like they are more suited for more advanced players.
I personally would recommend the classic,velocity or maybe even a flipside.