I made a Draupnir Documentary

I think the agonist and palpitation we’re pretty well regarded at the time as alternatives to the Draupnir depending on preferences.

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I think that the VTWO and Top Deck can easily compete with most bi-metals in terms of performance, but the Top Deck has a weak point of failure around the hub where the body is simply too thin, even for 7075 aluminum. Bi-metals allows the designer more freedom to reduce center weight and increase rim weight over a mono-metal, which is a benefit I’m definitely willing to spend my money on.


I honestly don’t know how much an advantage it is to increase the weight only on the rims, I repeat myself, I think that the Turntable, which I bought at all costs after trying one, because honestly, from an aesthetic and shape point of view I don’t enthusiastic, I think it’s a yoyo that teaches us how weights are distributed and the middle part, the one that goes from the hub to the rim of the cup, I think it’s decisive… as a weight carried as far as possible to the outside will give you an advantage in terms of rotation times but it will also give rise to less stability .
In addition, the “pluri-metal” or “pluri-materials” will always have the greatest fragility because they are objects made up of combined parts, much more problematic and subject to problems in case of collisions … an event not rare for a yoyo.


Obviously it comes down to personal preference. But there must be a compelling reason why many top competitors use bi-metals, otherwise they … well … wouldn’t.


Not sure about this. How does rim weight lead to less stability?

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They could make bimetals when others could not due to patents.The Draupnir has, is and will be the Standard of Bimetals. Saying that I still think it’s the Best…they sure nailed it!! :facepunch::slightly_smiling_face:

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Same argument goes for mono metal.

When Metal YoYos became THE THiNG it went from zero to EVERY competitor (2006 to 2007). We still haven’t seen exclusive adoption of bimetal. Now I’m not saying competitors always choose what’s best for them but by now, you’d think if it was ABSOLUTE superior we would see almost unanimous adoption.

Does it make it more fun? Of course not. Yoyo is a counter culture activity. Make something that is the generic best a watch a majority chose to walk a different direction (hello organics!)

I believe bimetal YoYos are superior at a certain style of yoyo however that style has been dismissed as ‘soulless’ ‘meta’ and controversially ‘not fun’. Oddly it also doesn’t purely lead to contest advantage either with a focus on all the elements that have an advantage discourages the variety, composition, focus on performance that appears essentially for results at the top level turning the disadvantages of a mono metal into advantages in competition.


Draupnir is so great it still causes this much chatter :partying_face::partying_face:


What’s “counter culture” about yo-yos? My only bimetal does spin longer than any other yo-yo I own, even though the fit and finish isn’t the best, and it isn’t the smoothest. Isn’t longer spin time the point of bimetal? Otherwise why would anyone pay that much extra?

I don’t think bi-metals have to become everybody’s choice to prove their value. It is enough that some (maybe even “many”, depending on how you define these vague terms) prefer bi-metals (in competition or otherwise), even if that isn’t the majority preference. Of course, one could argue that these players are all just deluding themselves and buying into the “bi-metal hype”, but I’m not about to tell them that. I can only imagine, say, Evan Nagao’s response to someone telling him that his Edge bi-metals were all a big waste of development resources and money.

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omg Ben I love you.


I’m not saying bimetal isn’t better… personally I used a bimetal yoyo for OWYYC… you know, cuz… I found it best for me.

There must be a compelling reason so use mono metal too (by this standard).

Going unresponsive changed the game. Going to metal changed the game. Bimetal…. Nope.

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-jensen enters chat to demolish even this

Tfw you start a bimetals vs monometals debate :pensive:

Anyways @yyfben2.deactivated if I made a shutter/yyf video would you be down to help?

Currently plan on a yoyojam video next, but after that I’m thinking


Yoyojam In a single video? Blasphemy! Lol

I’d help with shutter sure.


Gentry Stain became world champion with a $ 30 aluminum yoyo, leaving behind all of his competitors, some of whom, including Iori Yamai, used a Draupnir.
This is just an example and maybe, sometimes the choices are based only “on the fashions of the moment”, that’s all.
And so much so that I’ve made more than one reference to YYF … bi-metal I own The Edge, Space Cowboy and Space Cadet … they were all an absolute disappointment. Not even in the least comparable to a Turntable or a Paolista, for example.

as you move most of the mass as far as possible from the center of gravity, the further you are and the more for a “lever effect” what can be a minimum vibration (because even with machines that have machining tolerances of 1 or 2 microns, the absolute perfection does not exist), it is amplified exponentially.

besides the fact that the test must be done with the same bearing, my Dreadnought G or my Third Impact have higher rotation times than those of my Draupnir.
I don’t even know what the “yoyo counterculture” is but that is a measurable fact

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aka documentary on the only source of positive investment return in yoyoing

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And sometimes they’re not, right?

Look, I probably own more mono-metals that I like than bi-metals that I like, but this notion that bi-metals don’t do anything that mono-metals don’t already do just as well is impossible to accept given the existence of reputable players who turn (or have turned) to bi-metals to achieve top performance. If bi-metals didn’t provide some advantage that wasn’t possible (for them) from mono-metals, they wouldn’t use them in competition.

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