My family opened Christmas gifts today because of the way plans worked out. I knew I was getting a W!ld by W1LD, but then my brother totally surprised me with a Shutter Elite!!! Bimetals are actual GAME CHANGERS!!! I’ve never had so much spin time. I just started doing every trick I could think of.
And I’m not gonna ding these. I’m not gonna ding these. I’m really not. Going to ding these.
Been yoyoing (well…actually practicing) for about 4 months now. I have to start learning some new tricks for all this spin time.
(Is TikTok an acceptable format here? I kind of don’t love imgur…)
I honestly felt freed from fear with my Shutter Elite once I got over the initial sadness. Now its my go-to bimetal so I dont beat up my other ones. Consider yourself free!!