I have been the yoyo before, and the yoyo was my hand

If any of you know me, you know I don’t get attached to material objects nowadays. I used to, it had it’s grip on me for years. I’d be broke and have to sell them to make sure bills were paid and family was fed, and it felt like how I’d imagine Smeagul would feel if he ever had to sell his precious.

Letting the dependency on material go has given me the luxury of trading and trying hundreds of yoyos at hardly any cost to me. It’s helped me let go off dependency on so many things in life, recognizing that if my happiness is dependent on those things, those things control me. I become the yoyo, and the yoyo becomes my hands. Tie your happiness to things that can’t be taken away, and experience joy.

Am I telling you this is the way to go? No, I’m not telling anyone my way is better, just sharing my personal experience, and if anyone has a take away from it that helps them, awesome.


I’ve been watching you having so many cool yo-yos and noticed you didn’t seem to be spending much, from what I could tell from my parasocial pov. Ha. It’s inspired me to let go of some that I never thought I would and I’m so glad I did. I’ve gotten some real gems that I never would’ve spent the money on but certainly would in hindsight.

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I’ve heard the saying “don’t let the things you own, own you”