I Have $80-$100 to spend on a yoyo

I Have $80-$100 to spend on a yoyo…what should i get???

Since you seem to be a pretty experienced player I’m not going to let you say that you don’t have any preferences. Size, shape ,weight, color, etc.

well thats a big list. i have the BOSS and its great. just ordered the G5 couple days ago. should be pretty sweet. i would suggest something with stacks

no. don’t get stacks. if you want stacks, get a PGM, but don’t wast $100+ on a yoyo that could be around 80 without stacks. try a new company. look at Generalyo, RecRev, Hspin, CLYW, SPYY, and i think razor
(yes the scooter company) is coming out with something. i tried a prototype at a competition and it was awesome. especially for their first yoyo.

i notice you do have some CLYW and SPYY on the list but look into all the companies

Id love to get a general yo but I cant find one anywhere.

i know how you feel. trust me.

but i think Ernie is coming out with more hatricks. don’t worry.

Awesome I also cant wait for this years releases!!! ;D

i didnt see the boss

get the boss its BEAST

get a genesis it won’t dissapoint

I say get a fool’s gold from CLYW. No offense to anyone, but the >$100 yoyos from yoyofactory do have a noticeable vibe. My fool’s gold has a quarter of that vibe. The anno is great, and finish is great.


I already have a BOSS. Looking for a second yoyo if i ever go into a contest. thanks though :P.

either the 88x or the remmnant

dont go for the 888x. it is stable but it is slow on the string. the hubstacks get old after about a week. i am looking to sell mine.

There any fools gold peak’s in stock? There all sold out…

I like the 888 but havnt tried the 888x

I would say go for a Hatrick. But as Mr.Yo said, you need to wait to get in stock.