I found a little typo / The Grammar Lesson Thread.

Ok, well thanks, til.

Actually, there is a third situation to use a semicolon. When you have a compound sentence composed of two rather long sentences, you may use a semicolon and a coordinating conjunction instead of a comma and a conjunction in order to more thoroughly separate the sentences.

I like to yoyo; I like to yoyo; and I like to yoyo. It works with lists.

you should be using commas

Well, it’s acceptable this way.

That’s acceptable from a preschool teacher.


Actually not.

Maybe this is better. Bob likes food, yoyos, and other stuff, and Joe likes …

Educate me on the proper uses of the following: The comma and the colon. btw ill pay you in LOOOVEEEE

Philip, I agree. But that’s not a third way; that’s the complete thoughts point. It was just semantics in the explanation… a complete sentence must be made from a complete thought containing a subject (sometimes implied) and a predicate. So the joining you described is exactly the joining I described as my second scenario. :wink:

stuart, you wouldn’t divide a list with semicolons unless the individual list items themselves contained commas. Period.

(see what I did there? Hee hee)

Owngry, the colon is used mainly to introduce either a thought or a list.

“I will tell you this: I love to yoyo.”

“Obtain the following: a yoyo, a polyester string, and a nice dry bearing.”

This is a fragment.

Yup. :wink:

The great thing about being accomplished in a language is that you know all the rules and you know the appropriate times to break them!

i. know. i’m. just. having. fun. breaking. rules. hehehe

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There is only one time you need to use a semi-colon on the forum, :wink:

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