I am looking to buy a new yoyo

I already had the YYF Arrow and didn’t like it too much, it was hard to use (only spinning for a few vibey seconds before becoming impossible to bind and soon after dying) and overall not that fun of a throw. I am looking for a good cheap (<$20) plastic yoyo to replace it and just have fun on, as well as a yoyo that I can start using for competitions (similar in price and performance to the YYF Shutter). I have heard a bit about yoyos like the Mojo or skyva, but I am wondering are there any yoyos that would really play better?

I am looking for 2 yoyos, a cheap plastic throwaround one, and a more competition viable one (currently I am looking at the shutter for that)


The Shutter shouldn’t be vibey with a lower than normal spin time. If you’ve just started throwing it could very well be your technique needs some work. That or maybe your bearing needs cleaning. Did you get this yoyo new? If you want a new yoyo for competition there’s literally hundreds that are very good. Did you want an inexpensive plastic and one for competitions? Maybe a V shaped bimetal? You really need to supply more details. Also you need to mention a price range.


The shutter is a very capable yoyo. If it’s vibey and short spinning it’s either your technique, your bearing, or a combo of both. I’m all for buying more yo-yos, but I don’t think that will fix your problem.

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Wow I meant to say the arrow, don’t know how I didn’t catch that

Yoyofriends AoE

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Beginner yoyo i’d reccomend plastic cheatcode or a shooting star

Newbie competitive yoyo is really subjective. Just keep in mind for competitions you usually want 3 of the same yoyo in case you have to switch out cuz of a knot or something

Not <$20 but one of the best plastics I’ve played.


Maybe have a look at the Hollywood Modern Yoyo DROP that Ross just put out? It’s a little bit more expensive. But it’s a GREAT plastic.

I second this