I had a tought choice between the Augie BOSS and the GM2… I knew I’d love the GM2, but I am a HUGE (I mean HUGE… I reference Augie in about half my posts) Augie Fash fan… He’s my idol… So of course… I may never get a chance to get an Augie Fash yoyo, but there was the Augie BOSS, but I like large H-shape yoyos, and not undersized round yoyos, but it said Augie! I did go with the GM2 because I know it would be silly to go with looks over preference but now, my dreams have been answered…
I’m so sorry to link to another site, but birdinhand.com has Augie Signature BOSSes in blue/gold and black/purple finishes. It’s as far as I know the ONLY site that carries the BOSS in alternate colors. I’m getting the blue/gold one for Christmas (I know I keep bragging about it, I’m just waaaaay too excited!!! ;D), and i’ve managed to take a sneak peek at it-- it looks incredible! Quite honestly I almost lost control down below when I first saw it both online and in person ;D