Hey there, any homies in Humboldt County this weekend that would like to meet up? I’m in Arcata for a bit and could throw some yo-yos on Saturday (12/28) morning. If interested, drop a reply and we can make a plan.
It’s only 800 miles. …yeah—I better not show up.
Sounds like a good time, though!—anyone who makes it there needs to bug DocPop about making a tutorial for “Robot” for me. Capiche?
I just squealed! I’ve got some friends visiting right now, I’ll learn it soon!
Alright—just finished it, super helpful tutorial! I’ll definitely work on it, and maybe even tinker around with some variations.
You know we need Disco Meltdown now.
I tried figuring that one out just watching Experiment 004, but the quality is too low to tell what’s going on.
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