Humboldt this Saturday?

Hey there, any homies in Humboldt County this weekend that would like to meet up? I’m in Arcata for a bit and could throw some yo-yos on Saturday (12/28) morning. If interested, drop a reply and we can make a plan.


It’s only 800 miles. …yeah—I better not show up. :sweat_smile:

Sounds like a good time, though!—anyone who makes it there needs to bug DocPop about making a tutorial for “Robot” for me. Capiche?


Happy New Year!


I just squealed! I’ve got some friends visiting right now, I’ll learn it soon! :hugs:

Alright—just finished it, super helpful tutorial! I’ll definitely work on it, and maybe even tinker around with some variations.

You know we need Disco Meltdown now. :wink:

I tried figuring that one out just watching Experiment 004, but the quality is too low to tell what’s going on.

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