How to transform a dark magic to a unresponsive yo-yo?

Please help?

use a wider bearing ?

but you could have

  1. introduced yourself in the appropriate post
  2. been polite and said “hello” and/or “please/thank you”

I could elaborate on my reply (and also be polite) but again, you could have elaborate in your “manners”

we, here, are human beings, not “reply bots” so be nice and people will be nice to you.

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Clean the bearing is the best way.

Use the wider bearing. If your wider bearing is responsive, clean it.

is it the dark magic v1 or v2 ??

Change the o ring into the silicone pad and thin lube the bearing or add a wider bearing

You do not need to lube the bearing to be more unresponsive.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Yeah, actually it would as lubing the bearing is putting more stuff in it making it more responsive.
Cleaning the bearing then lightly thin lubing it is the way to go.
The best way to lube a bearing is to put some on a needle and then touch the needle to the crack around the part that sits on the bearing seat. Or you could remove a shield and touch on of the balls.

Exactly what I mean.

That will do very little if anything at all. It’s all in the condition of the bearing.

Yeah, actually it would as lubing the bearing is putting more stuff in it making it more responsive.
Cleaning the bearing then lightly thin lubing it is the way to go.
The best way to lube a bearing is to put some on a needle and then touch the needle to the crack around the part that sits on the bearing seat. Or you could remove a shield and touch on of the balls.

Back in the day I would never clean a bearing. I would add some thin lube to the heavily lubed bearing. This would help break down the thick lube and make it become unresponsive. Thus the lubing will make it more responsive (in this situation) will but then it will eventually make it become more unresponsive in time. Faster than if you don’t add thin lube at all.

Best and fastest way is still clean the bearing. Response has NOTHING to do with responsiveness.

Why is it called response if it doesn’t have anything to do with the responsiveness of a yo-yo? I’m confused. ???

It just is…

Response is basically how the yoyo returns. You have to have a response system to get the yoyo back in your hand. Ie, silicone, o-rings, starburst… If you only have smooth plastic or metal in the gap, then the yoyo won’t come back up.

Being “unresponsive” just means that the yoyo does not come back when you tug it. In order to get it to respond, you have to put a lot of string in the gap in order to catch the response system. thus, you have to bind it.

Besides the bearing being clean or not, the gap size also matters, because that determines the amount of contact the string will have with the response system. Wider gaps mean less response. I beleive that the Loop 900 comes with a clean bearing, but because the gap is so narrow, the yoyo is responsive.

Response is something to grip on when winding the yoyo back up like binding. If you don’t have any response system, it is virtually impossible to throw right.

Response is something for the string to grab on and respond to your hand.