How to start yoyoing and being good

hey dust,
what kind of strings are you using and why?


yotricks, yoyoexpert, mrmatio, all these have rly good tutorial vids. if you ever are really stuck on a trick, just dm someone and im sure someone will help you.


i forgot to add yoyojoe lol


Learning tricks is really challenging for me, even with all of the great videos out there. I am only just now starting Andre’s Advanced Part 1 tricks and I swear I can feel my brain melting sometimes trying to understand how to do it :upside_down_face:

So the thing I’ve learned is to not obsess too much with a single trick if it’s not happening. Move on to something that’s easier or at least makes sense in your brain, and when you come back to the other trick, it’s amazing how much easier it can be sometimes.

And once I learn a trick, even an “easy” one, I’ll just put it on repeat while the missus watches The Bachelor. Muscle memory and getting a feel for controlling the yoyo (even just doing an Elevator) comes in handy later.


I suggest a target of 3 Yoyos starting out. A budget plastic responsive for learning tricks that involve the floor. One that you don’t mind dinging. Lots of these to choose from. A take anywhere pocket Yoyo. Love my One Drop Deep State for this. And a middle of the road unresponsive. Currently I am using a OD Rev 1 but there are a lot of great choices. By middle of the road I mean one that has a fairly standard size and shape. You don’t have to get them all at once. Start with a banger that you don’t mind dinging.


someone said. the side effects yo-yos stay stable even if they hit the cement hard a couple times… this true?

Not at all. Vibe is usually caused by bearing seat damage so they can get vibe when they are dinged as well as other yoyos


I have found the TrickaWeek challenge to be a great way to improve and practice stuff i otherwise wouldn’t…
Make videos and watch yourself is also something new which has helped me a lot.


Tightness is a synonym. I’m not ready to change lol.


Torsion is no joke. Ask Team Venture.:grin:

Just an FYI… @Karbankers (the original poster of this thread) joined a Secret Santa exchange on Reddit and never sent out the package he said he would.
What a jerk. I wonder if he feels any guilt at all for the package he got by taking advantage of people’s trust.

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Are you kidding me? I mean, we all need to be able to look the person we see in the mirror in the eye and not be ashamed. Maybe the package got lost, wrong address and the return address became unreadable. Hopefully there is a good explanation. I hate reading news like this. It isn’t hard, treat people the way you would like to be treated. Or, even treat others better than you want to be treated.

Stepping down off my soapbox, at least the majority of the people here are exemplary.


" . u/Karbankers said they had a gift and even shared with us what it was, however, they simply never sent it. Upon being asked for status updates they opted to ignore us while remaining active in other communities. So u/Karbankers, you are welcome to continue hanging out with us and participate in discussions, but no more Secret Santa for you."


That’s so genius I’m trying this


When you yoyo just focus on having fun. If you get frustrated, take a break and come back to it later. Never give up! As you get better just enjoy the fact that you can actually yoyo. Yo-yoing is a really uncommon skill and not a lot of people seen advanced yoyo tricks in person. So take pride in the fact that you can do things that not a lot of people can do.


Think of it like dancing it should flow together. Even your early tricks. Someone who is smooth can make a starter trick like cold fusion look great. So I say aim for flow over complexity.

