How to start yoyoing and being good

Same here. When I started several years ago, I realized tension wasn’t the right term, but, I was too scared for the new guy to rock the boat. Since then, I’ve learned to sit back like Miyagi and rock while Daniel-San is standing on the bow.


I’m with you guys!

From now on I’ll use the word ‘torsion’ instead of tension!


anybody like to play a kitty string when it’s corded?

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i don’t even like to touch a kitty string, let alone play with one. :grimacing:

My advise for OP on how to “git gud” is a simple one liner.

“Don’t get frustrated when you fail” thats the secret.


i use the frustration to try more… but yeah it can go the other way too


how do you make these?

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cool thnkx


I know this isn’t the cheapest way to look at things, but the times that I improve the most are directly correlated with how many new yoyos I am getting.

The more throws you buy, the more you will want to play. Or you could just be dedicated and plan time to practice.


Maybe set goals and don’t allow yourself to buy anything new until you meet them.


This is pretty much my philosophy!
When in doubt…buy new yoyo!
lol :sweat_smile:


Haha not gonna knock your philosophy.
Just putting an opposing one out there because people are different.

In my personal case the level of improvement inversely correlates with how many yoyos I buy.

The more time I spend on yoyos instead of yoyoing the less I progress.

I think it’s because I haven’t quite lost the drive yet so I would yoyo regardless, having 1 yoyo your focus is tricks and learning them for me personally having more I spend a lot of my time just trying different yoyos.

Not gonna sell my yoyos or do things differently now.

But if I started again with hindsight, I would have my VTWO and use that for a year I think before buying more yoyos and just focus on learning.
Having said that, now I’m like all about buying yoyos :rofl: RIP


hehe I was joking for the most part.

I do agree with you and I think you bring up a really good point here.

For some (me!) it can be so easy to get caught up in getting new yoyos and becoming obsessed with it. And I’m at a point now that I’ve got so many high quality throws…that I’m a bit overwhelmed…and it makes it really hard to appreciate all the yos I own because I now have too many of them so I’m not even able to give them the play time they deserve (I’m okay with this though honestly! I’m totally okay with them sitting on display looking all pretty! lol).
I tend to spend more time obsessing on getting new throws, and I don’t spend nearly as much time just enjoying the ones I have and getting better at throwing.

There’s also the fact that yo-yos don’t make the players. No matter how much money I throw at yo-yos…they can’t perform the tricks for me. It comes down to me putting in the time and effort (and not giving up).

lol TMI…but I think I’m using yoyos as a way to try and fill a bit of a void I’ve been feeling in life ever since my mom passed. So far it’s been working well and I think it’s been a very positive thing for me in my life!


i know how this goes; sometimes i don’t feel worthy of a new string much less a new yoyo but i get them anyway. ironically, can you post a pick of your vtwo?

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there’s a counterpart to the don’t buy yo-yos arguement. do you think we would be able to learn more and new tricks faster if we bought better yo-yos even though we can’t use them like the pros they’re made for yet? if we could get more skill faster with a better yoyo that would make it all worth it wouldn’t it? haven’t tested this theory yet… we’ll never be able to do with a replay pro what gentry stein did but if we used a better yoyo instead maybe we would learn faster…


Here you go dude. Some comparison shots too for reference.


gotta be one of my favorite shapes. who makes it?


One Drop :slight_smile:

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i love one drop. why do they call it one drop?


lol reminds me of the shutter wide angle