Hello everyone,
I notice a lot of people just throw in their thoughts in their threads, with no organization or structure, and seriously, a well organized thread is: more appealing, easier to read, easier to understand, and tipically gives you more credibility and respect
And that’s what I would want to talk about right now.
Please don’t think about this thread as me trying to look better and superior, because I’m not trying to.
I’m actually concerned about the speed and easiness we get when we read posts and threads.
I will be talking Generally, that means not specifically for any type of threads.
Anyways, let’s begin:
It’s actually very simple!! Honestly!
All you have to think about is:
1.- Grammar errors - pretty self-explanatory.
2.- Capitals!! - Very important. Starting new sentences with a Capital and not using them excessively.
3.- Structure.
4.- Use of “popular” expressions - not excessive.
That’s it. Easiest thing to do. You get used to it - it’s automatic!
Simple and easy.
Lastly, let’s analyze a simple sentence!
“hey everyone . can some1 tell me what is lubes for yoyos?? i wanna know im new to yoyos
What did you feel when you read this? Small difficulty, mostly while reading the CAPS. At least it doesn’t feel good to me.
Translation :
"Hey everyone!
Could someone please tell me what yoyo lubes are? I’m new to yoyoing, I still don’t know these things
Thanks! :)"
That took me 2 seconds more to write and it was 5 seconds easier to read.
And no I am not a grammar nazi, neither I speak english as an official language!
It’s time to people to understand how simple this is.
Thanks to all of those who thought of this as a positive thread, and good luck.
Please tell me if I missed any point.