How to make whippier string?

My string looks pretty good, but its too light. How do I make it more dense without making it thicker? Do I need to add more wraps but tighten more?


What material are you using? What’s the brand?

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Its like 100% polyester sewing thread


Textured Nylon is whippier. Some examples include:

Bulky (gutterman)
Wooly (YLI)

Try using these straight, or mixed with your polyester. Nylon is way more whippy than polyester.

My personal recipe uses 50/50 MaxiLock stretch, and trilobal polyester. Trilobal is also extremely whippy, but it is not very soft.


Add mayonnaise.


Thicker string will make it slightly whippier but type of material is the biggest thing


you can spin it long do take note that it will make it ruffer then before

I don’t know much about string making but maybe try a nylon core? I think that’s what OD Long Cuts does.

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I second the Nylon. I use 100% Bulky from Gutterman because it’s easy to get at Joann. 7 wraps reduced ~13% produces about Kitty Normal thickness, but still soft, and hella-whippy. White seems to always be softer for some reason, but I am not sure why? :thinking:

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white is softer because it has not as many dyes

Smart. You smart. I should have realized that. I wish the red was as soft as the white. Have to make peppermint to get it as comfy as I like, lol.

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some diifrent thread compneys have red that is soft i have heard and some have white that is ruff is just finding those brands
P.S i have no idea what brand makes what colors soft i put most of mine know (if there ruff) in fabric softener. if you dont know how to do this let me know (im new to washing strings but i have a good idea on how to do it)

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Sure! I think I saw something about it on r/stringmakerz where you soak in a diluted softener/water mix, then rinse and dry them?


That was me. I can’t believe i never got back with the results of that test for almost like 6 months.


I have been usig 1.5 nylon, but it just doesnt have whip

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You also never update the wiki bro. I did the science for silk and rayon! lol.

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Are you talking about r/throwers or r/stringmakerz? I’m not a mod for r/stringmakerz lol.

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What do you mean by 1.5 nylon?

I be using kitty 1.5 nylon but it aint cuttin it so i decided to make string but it doesnt have whip

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Oh, I see.