How to hubstack a yyj lyn fury?

How to hubstack a yyj lyn fury? ???

unless youve got awesome modding skills or pay someone with said skills you cant do it

Synergy caps.

I got a longer axle burst threw the side, after sanding the inside down. Got a round cover to screw on the end so the stacks would fit. It works beautigully

so were can u find an axle that long? Then after that do you need to buy one of those hub stack kits?

pictures??? i dun get it n i dunno hw 2 gt an axle that long. sorry too much que.

its harder than its worth you will end up spending to much money and it will vibe i mean to get the axel bearing and stacks is going to be around $25 so just buy a pgm

Why is Mrcnja the only one who got the answer to the question right? Just buy synergy caps and be done with it.

wouldnt that also add a lot of vibe cause when i did it it was almost unplayable for me

Not every yoyo is the same. Also you think vibe and I think that’s not so bad. Also they are tunable.

i went to spinworks sg and they said synergy caps will make da yoyo wobble.

it does but like icthus said you might be able to tune it out

I will say this. Anytime you put hubstacks on a yoyo that wasn’t designed to have them will vibe.
Some less than others but it will happen.
Why don’t you just get a yoyo like a pgm that is designed to have them.

If you really want hubstacks that bad just buy a grindmachine.
You really can only go so far with a lyn fury

We already told him that. Besides a grind machine is metal.

I’m special?