How to dye a YoYoJam bi-metal?

I’ve already seen this:

I want to dye my Dark Magic (version I), but my question is, how would you handle the aluminum rims on the edge of it or any other yyj bi-metal?

You don’t have to give the rims any special treatment. The acetone and dye mixture will have no effect on them.

What about when I’m “rinsing” it (1:57 in the video above). Wouldn’t the water cause the metal to rust?


Would the acetone and dye affect any other kind of metal? Or just not the aluminum [rims]?

Aluminum doesn’t rust. Over longer periods of time it may develop a darker gray oxidation, but this can be removed with abrasives such as steel wool or a polishing compound.

As long as we’re talking about the metals commonly found on yo-yos, you’ll be fine.


that, and you can get metal wet without it rusting.

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