I can’t find any good videos of the arm eli hops where you start on an arm trapeze and launch the yoyo over your arm and back. anyone can share tips on how to launch the yoyo? and to bring it back to the string? It dosen’t have to be horizontal.
If you practice launching the yoyo out and then re mounting it you can slowly get more comfortable with it until you can do it in one motion.
Hope this helps.
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What I am asking it the detail of how to launch the yoyo. when doing a regular Eli Hop you don’t toss the yoyo up. you pull the thrown hand string a bit and slide the NTH closer to release the yoyo and press the string to bring it back. but what is the motion for launching the yoyo over the arm? do you swing your throw hand arm? do you fling with your NTH finger?