how much money did you spent on yoyos in your first half year???

I would have to say about 500+. but really good deals on them.
thats for about 15 YYf metals. :o

first half year around $200
first full year over $1000

Once you get the full metal yoyo bug its hard to kick it. Mix in a serious CLYW collection and it adds up quick.

$2600 at YYE. It’s cool that on this site you can see all past orders from the store. Hard to total any other purchases outside the site, or even purchases off the B/S/T. I’d estimate about…$3250"ish" altogether.

ive throwing for about 2 months, and i spent around $150 totalon everything yo-yo related, yo-yo’s, string, bearings,etc… but thats nothing compared to my friend, he’s been throwing for about half the time as me and spent about 3 times as much money than me, he has a superstar and a supernova plus about 5 other yoyo’s, but i love my northstar, if jensen kimmitt can win Worlds 2010 with it, then that convinces me that i can do any trick with it ^^