How much do you yoyo a day?

I try to yoyo when I can without sacrificing time that I should be doing something “important.” Sadly, the thing I end up sacrificing most to yoyo time is sleep. I try not to go much more than an hour at a time, but some nights it’s more. What feels like the healthiest yoyo time for me is when I’m out at a park and the kids are doing their own thing so I can yoyo without feeling like I’m avoiding anything but my phone.


Yeah probably actually like an hour
I try to more
It’s just hard with school and everything
And robotics just started so that’s slot of time


:arrow_up: This Is The Way

Aiming for Eight Days a Week


A few hours easily


Depends on the day. Least an hour


it’s been 30 minutes to 2 hours-ish lately. I never force myself to practice, only if I want to, but practice time’s been going up lately!


i try my best to yoyo more, but i’ve been averaging about 30 minutes a day. seems like i should up my numbers reading this thread


Recently it’s been like 5-15 minutes a day if that. Been really busy.


Wait; you guys yo-yo every day? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Pretty much all my free time, probably about 5 hours or so today


Working in a school I do have lot of free time, finish work at 3:30 and I live 10 minutes from my work place.
I do around 3 hours a day everyday of mindful practice literally taking care of what I am practicing, create combos to film, new tricks and new elements and then around 2 hours after dinner of free throwing and smoothing out combos and even more in the weekend, love to be lost in the loop even more when I am creating combos.


Summertime: a lot, several hours

Wintertime: not as much, I’m happy if I get a half hour.

Actual answer: never enough


In all seriousness, I probably play around 30-45 minutes a day.Mostly broken into 15 minute intervals during - or between meetings (I work from home).


That’s awesome and helpful to hear from someone as proficient as you are. That’s the real ticket, and pretty realistic. deliberate practice can get you far. I hope to one day be as good and fluid as you are, homie


if I get in over 30 minutes, it’s an excellent day :smiley:


Thanks a lot mate you are very kind.
At the end of the day I think that more important than “how many hours” is important “HOW” you practice.
You can do 10 hours and pass 8 of them between your phone, snacks, smoke break etc etc.

Mindful practice with a goal is much more useful, even if it is 30 minutes, if I am working on a combo I do not have breaks until I achieve a satisfying result, sometimes I think I reach a satisfactory result to change it maybe the day after.

I think is all part of the travel, also the “messing around”, after dinner I do love just to play, why not also grab my 888 and just mess around with simple stuff.

I think everything has to be divided in moments some more “serious” than other, this is how I see this game and in this way I love to practice as much as I love to mess around


15-30 min. Mostly pre work some times in the evening while watching a show.

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This right here! I feel exactly the same way. I work on a new trick and grind it out 20-30 mins. Then I find the next day it happens very quickly. There’s a fine line for me where too much is counterproductive, but if I’m having FUN throwing at the moment, I don’t resist!


Lately 30 mins to 1 hour a day. 2-3 hours a day on the weekends

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3-7 hours a day

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