How many hours a day do you spend yoyoing

Some days I don’t even yoyo at all. So, 0.

Depends sometimes for thirty minutes sometimes up to maybe 8 hours.

Hours throwing an hour. But usually I just casually throw the same tricks and combos just trying to figure out freestyles, or other moves.

All day

Not enough!

Depends on how I feel somedays I yoyo for less than 30 minutes somedays I yoyo for over an hour

No idea. If I have one in a pocket, (which I usually do) I just do random tricks, but I guess 3-4 hours spread across the day

.5 If I can find the time. Wow I feel like a wee lad in that respect.

some days less than 1… some days about 8 :smiley: usually like 3 though…

i yoyo 1 hour at max unless i go to my local yoyo club then its like 3 1/2